Make My Day | Motorhead |

Make My Day

Testo Make My Day

Listen up babe,you‘re no foot,
I wish L walked you home from school,
Dream lover, head tall,
Could put a lot of boys in Jail,
Tell you what, you‘re red hot
Let‘s go do it in the parking lot‘
I mean every word a say,
I wish you‘d stay,
Stay mean, stay clean,
Don‘t ever ask me where I‘ve been,

Shine a light on me,
Come on babe, set me free,
Don‘t go ‘way please please stay,
Roll over and make day [2]
You‘re so bad honey, you‘re so tough,
Skin so smooth,
But your tongue‘s so rough,
Crazy mama, turn me down,
Watch out cuz I‘ll be ‘round
You‘re so bad, I‘m so glad,
Best woman that I ever had,
I mean every single word
And I hope you heard,
I‘m the one, to turn you on,
Stick with me and you can‘t go wrong,

Be the one you want it be,
Don‘t go anyplace far from me,
Touch me there, show you care,
Can‘t scare you if you can‘t be scared,
Know you, Know it‘s true,
Be alright if you know me too,
I mean every word I hear
And I hope it‘s clear,
Cuz if you go, hope you know,
You ain‘t gonna see the sun no more,

Playlist Spotify

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